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What are the benefits of using embedded security APIs?

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Pangea Cyber has launched their embedded security APIs designed to help organisations protect their data, applications and infrastructure from cyberattacks.

In this article, we’ll discuss the advantages of using embedded security APIs and how they help organisations stay secure and comply with industry regulations.

What are embedded security APIs?

Embedded security APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, allow both developers and end-users to access embedded security applications. These embedded security applications allow for different levels of security through code libraries, protocols and other technology. Using embedded security APIs, computer systems become more secure by controlling access to sensitive data, protecting the device from viruses and external threats, and enabling advanced authentication processes.

Embedded Security APIs boast a variety of helpful attributes: they save hardware resources, they are easy to deploy in any environment due to their cohesive structure, they are platform agnostic so they can be used across multiple systems with ease, they use a highly secure cryptographic protocol and algorithms to protect data communication channels; plus many more.

In short, investment in embedded Security API technology enables developers the confidence of knowing their applications are resilient against unauthorised access attempts by providing a secure computing system for digital user authentication & authorization procedures; ensuring end-users benefit from technologically advanced yet easy-to-use platforms with the utmost levels of safety and privacy protection.

Benefits of using Embedded Security APIs

Pangea Cyber has launched a powerful set of embedded security APIs which can be used to effectively secure connected devices and their data. These APIs are designed to be easily integrated into existing stack architectures which makes them ideal for businesses that need to rapidly deploy security measures.

This article will look at the benefits of using embedded security APIs.

Increased Security

Using embedded security APIs offers several benefits that can lead to increased security. This includes:

-Improved authentication: Embedded security APIs enable a more comprehensive approach to authentication and authorization in an application. This allows for stronger user validation and a higher confidence that users are authorised to access protected resources.

-Enhanced encryption: Embedded security APIs provide an array of advanced cryptographic algorithms and data formats, which allow for stronger encryption standards. Developers can choose from industry-leading technologies, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), to protect sensitive data in transit and at rest.

-Customised access control: By leveraging embedded security APIs, developers can customise access control approaches based on their specific needs. By utilising features such as tokenization, developers can create more granular levels of access by defining which user roles are allowed to view or modify certain resources.

Finally, utilising powerful embedded security APIs helps prevent malicious actors from compromising your applications or accessing unauthorised data. By taking advantage of industry standards and best practices, developers can build secure applications that effectively protect the interests of their customers and help mitigate financial losses associated with public breaches.

Improved User Experience

Using embedded security APIs can potentially improve user experience in a few ways. It can provide more streamlined user authentication, which helps reduce the risk of unauthorised access to data and documents and enhance encryption capabilities for improved data privacy and network security. Embedded Security APIs can also help meet compliance requirements, ensure that networks are secure, and allow users to access their data securely from any device.

Another major benefit of using embedded security APIs is the decrease in time-to-market. By having a pre-built hardware and software infrastructure already in place, developers can quickly deploy their software applications while knowing they have the necessary security features ready to go when needed. This allows organisations to release new products much faster than when they must first build out all the necessary components individually or pay someone else to do it for them.

Embedded Security APIs can also reduce costs associated with purchasing an entire system with built-in security protocols and costs related to maintaining individual components over time. Implementing this type of comprehensive solution may be more cost effective in the long run, especially if scaling multiple locations or adding new features is expected down the line.

Improved Performance

Embedded security application programming interfaces (APIs) can help to improve overall system performance. These APIs allow developers to simplify the process of protecting the data integrity and access control on the device, enabling them to focus more on developing new features rather than security measures. This can reduce development time and costs, while improving application performance.

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In addition, embedded security APIs also make it easier to ensure that all security parameters are set under industry guidelines or specific requirements for an application. This helps increase protection of data within an embedded system and redefine security policies dynamically within a given environment when necessary.

Embedded APIs also allow synchronisation with external systems, such as networks or clouds, which gives developers control over cloud-based systems from an embedded protected device and ensures better scalability for the organisation in question. This significantly improves trust in an embedded system that needs to communicate with backend servers or other devices through networks and telecommunication services.

Reduced Development Costs

Embedded security APIs offer significant cost-saving benefits that can help reduce development costs and improve business productivity. These APIs allow developers to quickly and easily add secure features into their applications, making them compliant with the latest security standards.

By implementing embedded security APIs, businesses can potentially benefit in several ways. Firstly, it helps streamline the development process by automating complex security tasks. This means developers don’t have to spend hours manually coding complex security protocols for each version of their application or platform. Additionally, using these APIs allows developers to focus on innovating and developing new features instead of ensuring their system is secure from the latest threats.

Embedded security APIs also reduce the cost of certification processes as those components of a product have already been certified by the API provider and no additional testing is needed. This makes verifying products much faster and easier while still keeping them secure. Finally, it reduces maintenance costs as fewer hardware components need constant updating with firmware patches against cyber threats or malware attacks unlike software solutions that need continuous upgrades for cyber protection.

Pangea Cyber launches embedded security APIs

Pangea Cyber recently launched embedded security APIs designed to make cyber security more accessible and affordable to organisations.

These APIs allow developers to use powerful cyber security solutions without needing to build them from scratch. Furthermore, these solutions can also be used on device and cloud applications.

This article will discuss the benefits of using these embedded security APIs.

Overview of Pangea Cyber’s Embedded Security APIs

Pangea Cyber is excited to announce the launch of a suite of new Embedded Security APIs, providing organisations with an efficient, effective way to securely protect their data. This powerful new functionality allows organisations to guard digital assets and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

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Embedded Security APIs enable organisations to detect malicious activity, protect data in transit and storage and provide real-time threat protection. These APIs are a crucial part of an organisation’s security architecture and allow developers to quickly add enhanced security capabilities into almost any system.

By using Pangea Cyber’s embedded security APIs, organisations can rest assured that their data will be protected. The API provides a range of features that work together seamlessly for comprehensive coverage including:

-Data masking capabilities to automatically detect when sensitive data needs protecting -Real-time alerting for mobile devices and other systems in the event of suspicious activity -Encryption of data in transit and storage -Secure authentication protocols that provide identity assurance -Data anomaly detection with machine learning algorithms

With embeddable security capabilities provided by this API suite, Pangea Cyber ensures that organisations have access to the necessary tools for safeguarding against cyber threats. Embedded security is flexible enough to fit most environments, designed to detect malicious activities before they cause any damage or theft of vital information. Thanks to this suite of new APIs, organisations can take quick action on abnormalities while managing system health and performance at a high level throughout operations.

Features of Pangea Cyber’s Embedded Security APIs

Pangea Cyber has developed a series of Embedded Security APIs that allow users to easily integrate security into their applications. The APIs protect web, mobile, and IoT applications, with features such as malware detection and prevention, data encryption, and access control.

The Embedded Security APIs offer several benefits to users:

– Increased Application Security: The APIs can detect malicious activity before it occurs, meaning that potential threats can be blocked before they can cause harm. – Easy Integration: The Embedded Security APIs are designed to work with most existing systems and languages, meaning that users don’t have to worry about complex coding or reworking their architecture when adding extra security layers. – Advanced Data Encryption: The APIs provide advanced data encryption capabilities, ensuring that user data is kept secure from unauthorised access. – Web Application Protection: By integrating the Pangea Cyber Embedded Security API into web applications, developers can protect their applications from known vulnerabilities by scanning traffic for malicious activity. – Secure Access Control: With the API’s built-in access control system, user authentication and authorization is simplified and more secure than ever before.

Overall, the Pangea Cyber Embedded Security API offers a range of features designed to make application security simpler and more efficient than ever before.

Advantages of using Pangea Cyber’s Embedded Security APIs

Pangea Cyber’s embedded security APIs enable developers to quickly and easily integrate enterprise-grade cybersecurity into their applications. The capabilities provided by the APIs make it possible for businesses to protect their customers’ data from cyber threats, comply with privacy regulations, and increase resiliency by responding quickly to incidents.

By utilising Pangea Cyber’s embedded security APIs, businesses can unlock the following advantages:

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1. Enhanced Security: Embedded security protects applications at the application layer and defends against malicious actors looking to steal customer data or disrupt operations. This allows businesses to keep pace with ever-evolving cyber threats while staying compliant with security regulations such as GDPR or CCPA.

2. Improved Efficiency: By embedding cybersecurity into applications, organisations can reduce costs associated with deploying separate security solutions that require additional installation processes or third-party fees. As a result, businesses can maintain secure systems while improving operational efficiency.

3. Increased Customer Satisfaction: With Pangea Cyber’s embedded protection features in place, businesses can provide customers with enhanced data privacy and protection from malicious actors – resulting in greater customer confidence and satisfaction.

4. Fast Incident Response: Embedded cybersecurity also provides organisations with increased visibility into any potential threats that may be present within their networks – allowing them to respond quickly and reduce damage caused by a breach or cyber attack.

5. Easy Integration: Finally, because these APIs are designed for fast integration within existing application architectures there is no need for additional software or hardware investments – making it easy for developers of all experience levels to implement secure networks without extensive IT resources onboarding processes typically associated with deploying standalone solutions.