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Why Goldman Sachs is backing Blockdaemon?

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Goldman Sachs is one of the world’s largest investment banks, and they are now investing in Blockdaemon – a startup trying to make blockchain infrastructure easier to deploy and manage. Blockdaemon recently raised $28M in a funding round, of which Goldman Sachs was one of the major backers. This shows the confidence Goldman Sachs has in Blockdaemon’s technology.

Let us look deeper into why Goldman Sachs is so interested in Blockdaemon.

Goldman Sachs’ investment in Blockdaemon

Goldman Sachs recently announced that it has participated in a $28 million funding round for Blockdaemon, a blockchain infrastructure platform. In addition to Goldman Sachs, the round included investments from existing investors such as Digital Currency Group, CoVenture and Geodesic Capital.

With this financing, Blockdaemon will focus on expanding its enterprise and cloud solutions across different regions. The company also plans to launch more advanced services to the enterprise and consumer markets such as analytics and data solutions built on distributed ledger technology (DLT). In addition, this investment is seen as an endorsement of the promising technology behind blockchains by Goldman Sachs and its leader’s role in the space.

Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly popular in various industries as businesses try to gain a competitive edge and improve efficiency in their operations. With its precise timing capabilities and immutability, blockchain has numerous applications ranging from simplifying financial transactions to governance. Goldman Sachs’ commitment towards advancing the industry through its investments into Blockdaemon highlights its dedication to staying ahead of blockchain trends.

As one of Wall Street’s leading firms, Goldman’s move into DLT signals that enterprises should take this revolutionary technology seriously because it has tremendous potential for transformative long-term success in many industries worldwide – including finance.

Overview of Blockdaemon

Blockdaemon is a blockchain infrastructure provider offering managed network and node services that enable businesses to deploy nodes and view blockchain networks as instantly available APIs. Their technology works with blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Hyperledger Fabric, Quorum, Polkadot, and EOS. Blockdaemon helps organizations realize the full potential of their blockchain investments by providing best-in-class technology and highly reliable client support. For individuals looking to capitalize on their investments, knowing how to effectively sell Bitcoin can be a crucial part of managing their digital assets and maximizing returns.

What is Blockdaemon?

Blockdaemon is a New York City-based startup that provides blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS), hosting, validation, and synchronization services for public and private networks for companies. Blockdaemon uses a distributed architecture to provide core infrastructure with highly available nodes in secure data centers.

The company is a leading provider of enterprise blockchain infrastructure services. Its mission is to make it easier for businesses worldwide to launch, monitor, manage and scale their production blockchains quickly and securely. By providing users with access to the most advanced blockchain protocols from their desktop or mobile device, Blockdaemon’s platform supports an array of use cases that are driving blockchain technology forward.

In 2021 Goldman Sachs led a $28 million Series B investment round in Blockdaemon. This move signals Goldman Sachs’ continued interest in cryptocurrencies despite its previous hesitance towards investing in them directly. The funding was aimed at accelerating the company’s global expansion and developing new products such as smart contract initiatives and Trusted Computing Platform solutions. With this funding Blockdaemon can focus on helping companies get to market with leading infrastructure solutions more quickly.

What services does Blockdaemon provide?

Blockdaemon is a blockchain infrastructure provider offering managed network and node services that enable businesses to deploy nodes and view blockchain networks as instantly available APIs. Their technology works with blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Hyperledger Fabric, Quorum, Polkadot and EOS. Blockdaemon helps organizations realize the full potential of their blockchain investments by providing best-in-class technology and highly reliable client support.

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Blockdaemon provides solutions to customers’ needs through its core solutions such as infrastructure status monitoring, deployment of new nodes in multiple clouds or on-premise infrastructures, wallets and accounts management, and managed multi-chain logging service. The company supports eight main public blockchains: Bitcoin, Ethereum Classic, Ethereum and Binance Chain. Additionally, Blockdaemon provides industry solutions for companies and enterprises interested in adopting distributed ledger technologies for various reasons such as digitizing records or simplifying cross-border payments.

The company’s suite of services also includes observability tools (such as health checks), protocol analytics (e.g., staking performance management), automated node deployments (across most public networks).

Goldman Sachs backs $28M funding round for Blockdaemon

Goldman Sachs recently decided to back Blockdaemon, the leading blockchain infrastructure platform. The leading investment bank’s decision to invest in the blockchain technology company reflects their positive outlook on the potential of blockchain technology. In addition, this $28 million funding round has given Blockdaemon the resources to expand their operations.

Let’s take a closer look at why Goldman Sachs chose to support the project.

Blockdaemon’s potential for growth

Blockdaemon, a venture-backed infrastructure company for decentralized networks, recently announced a $28M Series A funding round. Goldman Sachs led the investment and was joined by other investors including Winklevoss Capital, Network Society Ventures, Nasdaq Ventures and several other partner firms. The round brings Blockdaemon’s total funding to date to over $36M.

The investment from Goldman Sachs demonstrates the banking giant’s commitment to investing in promising companies in the blockchain space. Blockdaemon CEO Konstantin Richter said he was inspired by Goldman Sachs’ support of Blockdaemon and its mission to lower the barrier of entry into blockchain-based applications.

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This latest round of funding will enable Blockdaemon to continue developing its technology and expand its reach to provide infrastructure services across multiple distributed ledger protocols. With a team of experienced engineers on board, who have developed open-source projects with leading blockchain networks like Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric, Blockdaemon is poised for growth. Additionally, as enterprise blockchain solutions become increasingly popular as companies transition from traditional banking systems, Blockdaemon’s offering has potential to grow considerably in the coming years with their continued efforts towards expansion.

Benefits of investing in Blockdaemon

Goldman Sachs, Comcast Ventures, Nokia-backed NGP Capital, and others recently backed Blockdaemon’s Series B round of $28 million. The investment will be used to further the company’s goal of simplifying node operation across multiple blockchain networks.

The capital boosting the startup will enable it to further its mission of bringing enterprise-grade infrastructure and automated blockchain deployments to an expansive network with reduced complexity and cost. By investing in Blockdaemon and its cloud nodes, Goldman Sachs is placing a bet on blockchain infrastructures of tomorrow.

Investing in Blockdaemon benefits enterprises looking to deploy decentralized applications on a new or existing blockchain network. Due to the multivendor support offered by Blockdaemon’s services, customers can access the best node offerings from different providers, streamlining the process of setting up and operating their nodes safely and securely.

In addition to providing customers with optimized setups that reduce costs and complexities, Blockdaemon also offers 24/7 monitoring services that minimize downtime due to outages or server issues while giving clients complete transparency into their node setup. Lastly, as various blockchains evolve rapidly, Blockdaemon’s cloud nodes ensure customers are always deploying nodes aligned with each network’s standards and helping them reduce overhead associated with hassle-free software stack upgrades.

Overall, Goldman Sachs’ decision to invest in Blockdaemon indicates that they seem certain that this platform can help businesses keep up with rapid developments in distributed ledger technology (DLT) while keeping costs down over time through reduced maintenance needs – making it easier for businesses across various industries leveraging blockchain technology today as well as those still wary of adopting it owing to technical challenges involved.

Impact of Goldman Sachs’ Investment

Goldman Sachs’ investment of $28M in New York City-based Blockdaemon marks one of the most significant venture investments in blockchain infrastructure to date. This funding round provides Blockdaemon with a much needed capital infusion that can be used to further develop its technology and expand the company’s reach.

Let’s take a closer look at the impact Goldman Sachs’ investment will have on the blockchain industry.

Increased confidence in the blockchain industry

The blockchain industry has received the announcement of Goldman Sachs’ investment with enthusiasm and optimism. The investment serves as a symbol of increased confidence in the distributed computing technology, and could be a major step towards growing and maturing the blockchain space.

The investment makes clear that big companies such as Goldman Sachs are committed to backing Blockdaemon’s mission to simplify and provide robust access to blockchain technology, making it more accessible for developers, businesses, enterprises, and institutions. With this in mind, Goldman Sachs’ strategic financing will open up new possibilities for Blockdaemon and there is potential for a wave of transformative innovation to be produced in the blockchain ecosystem.

The influx of capital could lead to job growth and open up more opportunities within the industry. In addition, this could lead to increased interest from venture capitalists who may be more inclined to invest in similar initiatives backed by a major player such as Goldman Sachs. Finally, the funding may have international implications on acceptance of blockchain applications among governments worldwide who have thus far resisted decentralizing technologies.

Ultimately, the future looks promising for Blockdaemon with this 28M dollar funding round from one of Wall Street’s biggest names providing it access to resources which will enable it to create new solutions for real-world problems with its distributed ledger technology products.

Increased demand for Blockdaemon’s services

The investment by Goldman Sachs in Blockdaemon’s $28 million funding round reflects growing demand for the startup’s technology services. Blockdaemon is a blockchain infrastructure platform that simplifies and automates node operations, allowing users to quickly scale blockchain-based applications to fit their needs.

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With Goldman Sachs’ backing, Blockdaemon can add additional capabilities and increase its reach to more enterprises looking for its services. This could lead to faster distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) implementation across multiple applications, from payments and trading execution to asset management, risk management and digital asset custody.

Blockdaemon’s ambitious solutions allow large organizations — from enterprise-level businesses to government entities — adding digital assets without having to establish a fully functional blockchain ecosystem from scratch. By leveraging the highly secure infrastructure for Hyperledger Besu, MultiChain and Ethereum nodes maintained by Blockdaemon’s platform, companies can remain focused on innovation while ensuring regulatory compliance with relevant laws.

Goldman Sachs’ investment in this established leader in node automation solutions further solidifies the blockchain infrastructure sector as an attractive investment opportunity for venture capital firms seeking opportunities with disruptive technologies of the future. With this new influx of capital, Blockdaemon stands poised to become an even more integral part of driving DLT adoption across industries in coming years — both through increasing capabilities of existing solutions and testing out newer ones that may come into play over time.


Goldman Sachs decision to fund Blockdaemon shows the growing interest of institutional investors in blockchain-based startups.

The funding round of $28M for the blockchain infrastructure provider strongly honors the blockchain technology and its applications in the financial sector.

The partnership between Goldman Sachs and Blockdaemon will pave the way for more investments from institutional investors in this space.