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What Blockdaemon’s Future Holds?

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Blockdaemon, a blockchain startup, recently announced their Series B funding which totaled $155 million. This marks a new milestone for the company and suggests that the demand for blockchain-based solutions continues to grow.

With such a significant funding raise, Blockdaemon is now well positioned to capitalize on the growing blockchain market and build its future. Let’s look at some of the potential opportunities for Blockdaemon moving forward.

Overview of Blockdaemon’s mission

Blockdaemon is a blockchain startup providing remote node management and developer tools for building private and public decentralised applications. Since it was founded in 2018, Blockdaemon has developed one of the leading blockchain infrastructures solutions for developers that require access to reliable node operations. The company has now raised $155 million through its Series B funding round, making it one of the most well-funded blockchain startups today.

The company’s mission is to make it easy for businesses and developers to build decentralised applications on any blockchain. According to the company’s co-founder and CEO, Konstantin Richter, this funding announcement marks an important milestone in his firm’s mission: “This new level of investment will provide us with additional capital as we continue to work towards our mission to enable companies around the world access to decentralised network infrastructure – ultimately allowing them freedom from infrastructure lock-in.”

Blockdaemon’s advanced technology platform can be used for a variety of purposes including interchain custody transfers, API key generation & access control management (ACM) tools, user-defined token delivery networks (DTLs), advanced staking solutions, scaling tools like blockchains-as-a-service (BaaS) and smart contract managing capabilities. By leveraging these capabilities, organisations can reduce development times by up to 60%, improve their cost efficiencies and strengthen security measures at every stage of their product lifecycle. Beyond just providing developers with innovative technology tools, Blockdaemon also offers expertise in areas such as Global Infrastructure Services (GIIS), DevOps Solutions Support (DSS), Network Security Audits & Compliance Assessment Analysis covering crypto asset regulations across the world. The core objective behind these efforts is providing customers with a secure long term solution they need while they attempt setting up decentralised platform.

Blockchain startup Blockdaemon raises $155 million in Series B funding

Blockchain startup Blockdaemon has recently announced that it had raised $155 million in Series B funding, a move which has opened up new doors for the future of the company and its innovative blockchain platform.

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This funding injection should spearhead Blockdaemon’s growth and provide the resources to bring its blockchain technology to a mainstream audience. In this article, we’ll look at what the future holds, and how Blockdaemon can use this new capital to further improve its services.

Overview of the Series B funding

Blockdaemon, a leading blockchain infrastructure company, recently confirmed that it has successfully closed a $155 million Series B funding round. The investment was made by some of the world’s most respected venture capital firms and marks the biggest investment for a managed blockchain startup over this time.

The new capital and existing finances will help Blockdaemon accelerate product development and expand market reach to serve an increasingly growing global customer base. The money will be especially used to speed up delivery of its suite of protocols, SDKs, APIs and services, making deploying blockchains develop apps easier and simpler than ever before. This also includes optimizations of hyperledger fabric, tendermint and quorum deployments, and offerings from Ethereum and Polkadot among others.

The series B funding reflects confidence from key investors in Blockdaemon to scale its business for improved growth opportunities. Building on this major milestone, the company plans to launch new products such as layer 2 scaling solutions such as Lightning Network for Bitcoin and Raiden for Ethereum, eventually making transactions faster, cheaper and more secure on different platforms blockchains than ever before. Like all more recent investments by Blockdaemon, this financing is expected to strengthen the company’s blockchain infrastructure and generate many user benefits.

Investors in the Series B round

The Series B funding round of the blockchain startup Blockdaemon included a consortium of investors. This consortium was made up of influential investors from a variety of industries and financial backgrounds. Some investors included Goldman Sachs, Samsung Venture Investment Corporation (SVIC), Digital Currency Group (DCG), Contour Venture Partners, Indicative Ventures, 8 Decimal Capital and NGC Ventures.

The consortium was led by lead investor RTP Global, a venture capital firm founded by experienced technology entrepreneurs Robin Vasan and Rick Yang.

The investment partnering with RTP brought in some powerful participants — institutional investors from various markets including traditional finance, enterprise software and new technologies like cryptocurrency. These investments are likely designed to help Blockdaemon capitalize on the explosive growth the blockchain space has seen in recent years.

With the completion of its Series B round, Blockdaemon has raised around $180 million in total funding over seven rounds since its founding in 2018. Using these funds, Blockdaemon will be able to continue investing heavily in research and development projects to improve users’ experience with distributed ledger technology (DLT). It is expected that Blockdaemon will continue to revolutionize the blockchain and use its extensive resources to improve its technological offerings for users worldwide.

Expansion Plans

Blockchain startup Blockdaemon has raised a whopping $155 million in Series B funding, a huge boost for the company as it looks to expand its offerings.

The newfound funds will be used to build infrastructure and expand product offerings. This article will explore the possibilities that Blockdaemon will now have with this new influx of money and its exciting potential.

Overview of Blockdaemon’s expansion plans

Blockchain startup Blockdaemon has announced a Series B funding round of $155 million. The Series B round was led by Coatue, Galaxy Digital, and Vy Capital; with existing investors Bain Capital Ventures, Global Brain Corporation, Notation Capital, and iRobot Venture Capital also participating. With this new funding round, the 5-year-old U.S.-based tech startup looks to make big strides in the blockchain industry.

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The new funds will further develop Blockdaemon’s products and expand its services into new regions and markets worldwide. The company plans to open offices in Europe and Asia in 2021 to expand its presence globally and advance its mission of making blockchain technology accessible to everyone. Specifically, these funds will enable Blockdaemon to invest heavily in product development for Decentralized Finance (DeFi) infrastructure solutions for digital assets such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Aave (AAV), MakerDAO (MKR), Compound Protocol (COMP), Uniswap (UNI) and others. Through its new product offerings, the company is working toward creating an end-to-end developer experience that makes it simple for developers to launch their decentralized applications quickly and securely.

In addition to expanding its presence with new offices around the world, Blockdaemon is looking to strengthen partnerships with industry players such as exchanges; custodians; liquidity providers; financial institutions; brokers; miners; infrastructure builders; venture capital funds; media companies and others that could benefit from utilizing the company’s technology while expanding the acceptance of blockchain more broadly across institutional landscapes around the globe.

New products and services

Blockchain startup Blockdaemon has announced plans to use its recent Series B funding of $155 million to expand its existing products and services and develop new solutions.

The company’s solutions cover various areas, from enterprise networks to the cloud infrastructure necessary for decentralized applications, such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). With this new funding, Blockdaemon plans to add even more features for users. These include products that further support mainnet staking; APIs that provide deep insights into various networks; and cross-chain integrations that allow instant swapping between blockchains such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana, Avalanche, and many more. Furthermore, the company will launch certified Hardware Security Incident Response Teams (HSIRTs), with staff enabling rapid deployments in business-critical environments.

“This planned expansion of our portfolio aligns with our overarching mission — simplifying access to blockchain infrastructure for anyone creating or deploying blockchain applications,” said Konstantin Richter, CEO and founder of Blockdaemon. “We hope to empower global participation on decentralized networks by giving everyone easy access to essential resources.”

These investments are estimated to increase the headcount at Blockdaemon from 65 employees up to 120 across their offices in Berlin and New York. With this move, Blockdaemon is further augmenting their presence in the blockchain space while providing people worldwide with greater opportunities within blockchain technology.

Impact on the Blockchain Industry

Blockchain startup Blockdaemon recently raised $155 million in Series B funding to become a leading cloud service provider for blockchain protocols. This capital infusion will likely have a strong impact on the blockchain industry, as Blockdaemon exemplifies the potential of the nascent technology.

In this article, we discuss how Blockdaemon’s new funding will shape the future of blockchain technology.

Overview of Blockdaemon’s impact on the blockchain industry

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, and blockchain startup Blockdaemon has been at the forefront of this revolution. The New York-based firm was founded in 2016 and recently announced that it has raised a Series B round of funding worth $155 million, marking one of the largest investments ever made in a blockchain-related startup.

Blockdaemon is a global infrastructure provider that focuses on simplifying node deployment and management within the blockchain ecosystem. Their customer base comprises established banks, cryptocurrency exchanges, and companies from different industries across Asia, Europe and North America. The company aims to become the leader in “node as a service” (NaaS) solutions for businesses interested in entering the decentralized economy.

The funding round indicates how Blockdaemon intends to revolutionize the industry by effectively leveraging its cutting-edge technology stack to bring about fast innovation within existing node infrastructure models. Further evidence can be seen from their back-to-back wins of Accenture’s Fintech Awards for its Proof of Clearing Bank system and Microsoft for Startups’ AI category award for its innovative automated testing tool, InkSpot.

At present, Blockdaemon enables businesses to run nodes across multiple public blockchains such as Ethereum or Ripple with its advanced platform — benefitting developers and users drastically due to its reduced complexity compared with standard node provisioning tools within these blockchains. With this new capital injection, they plan to enhance core feature development while venture into more major banking systems (e.g., Corda).

These kinds of measures place Blockdaemon at an optimal position to lead the industry’s trend towards improved scalability and economical interoperability — allowing companies or individual users alike access seamless opportunities often unrecognizable under traditional frameworks within our current financial flow models. In turn, this means more efficient operations for people who use Blockchain technology — leading eventually towards exciting opportunities never before conceived much less possible under conventional banking systems functionalities before Crypto’s entrance into our economy — not only bringing value but also greater transparency – spurring future development key components for innovation within finance today!

Potential for blockchain adoption

The recent success of blockchain startup Blockdaemon, who recently raised $155 million in Series B funding, underscores the potential for adopting distributed ledger technology (DLT) across various applications and industries. Enterprise-level organizations and governments are increasingly adopting blockchain because it enables faster and more secure transactions, reduces IT costs, records immutable records, increases transparency, enables digital identities for digital assets, and help with compliance.

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Businesses can streamline complex processes while ensuring data privacy by utilizing DLT in enterprise settings such as supply-chain logistics or financial institutions’ reconciliation processes. This can make processes more transparent while also creating new opportunities. For example, in the case of insurance companies, blockchain-enabled solutions greatly simplify their ability to track premiums payments across multiple policyholders and business partners.

Blockchain technology’s future is incredibly exciting as it promises to further democratize access to public data by enabling it securely on distributed ledgers in permissionless networks that are accessible through permissioned networks. By decentralizing sensitive data on a peer-to-peer network with built-in encryption protocols that resist tampering from unauthorized parties – businesses can provide greater transparency and cost savings through automation via smart contracts or automatic execution triggers based on predetermined parameters.

There are already thousands of applications proving the efficacy of DLT solutions across various industries worldwide; from enabling electric power trading between neighbouring countries to reducing fraud risks in oil trades between global players in the energy industry. Moreover, with its systemic scalability, improved security protocols and heightened user privacy features, blockchain adoption has incredible potential as Blockdaemon has proved by raising $155 million in investments this year alone!


With the Series B funding Blockdaemon has successfully secured, the blockchain startup is now poised to become a key player in the emerging blockchain industry. In addition, this funding allows Blockdaemon to explore and pursue newer use cases and opportunities to reshape the blockchain space.

This article will delve into the future of the blockchain startup and its potential consequences.

Summary of Blockdaemon’s future

Blockchain startup Blockdaemon recently closed a Series B financing round raising $155 million. The funding was led by Coatue and included investments from existing investors including Union Square Ventures (USV), Strategic Round Capital and Global Brain. Blockdaemon’s platform focuses on making it easier to use blockchain technologies, allowing users to create applications and deploy them in just minutes.

With the new influx of capital, Blockdaemon plans to continue expanding its platform services and build a variety of products such as enterprise-grade remote control deployments, a suite of validator tools and integrations with various networks like Ethereum and Tezos. Other priorities include:

  • Creating simplified onboarding flows for developers.
  • Additional support for existing customers.
  • Providing higher resiliency across networks.

There are also plans to explore international expansion opportunities by offering localized services for specific markets within the Asia-Pacific region.

Looking ahead, these new investments will help Blockdaemon achieve its mission of enabling the mass adoption of blockchain technology by making it easier than ever before for anyone to utilize sophisticated decentralized solutions. With so many exciting opportunities on the horizon, this is undoubtedly an exciting time for the team at Blockdaemon!